Despite the troubles and challenges of our times, I still believe in the Age of Aquarius and that if one looks long enough, you can find all the light we cannot see. Sunshine is stronger than any darkness that may pervade our path and that light is everywhere around us, in our people, our communities, and in our everyday lives.
A Human Story as Told Through the Eyes of a W-2 Form in 1972
As I put the finishing touches on a video tribute of my Mom’s life, I have been going through some …
Memories of Dennis and the Humanity Reflected in a College Financial Aid Application
Can it Really Be 43 Years Since Dennis Passed? Today is April 20, 2015 and it marks the 43rd anniversary …
To Judge or Not to Judge?
I had a very profound experience recently, one that made me question how we should judge people. All of us …
So What Number Did You Get at the Bakery This Morning????
OK, I am sure this must have happened to you before. A couple of weeks ago, I went to my …